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Tom Mohr
Rising Leader Series: Week 7 - Holy Winds
WHAT FINE LEADERSHIP Ironic what fine leader skills it took-- to mechanize destruction of our seas, to slash for coal 'til Appalachia...
Tom Mohr
Rising Leader Series: Week 8 - Healing Waters
LIVING WATER To the well went woman fallen, filthy Shackled, beaten down by the weight of sin Shamed, she knew certain she wasn’t worthy...
Tom Mohr
Rising Leader Series: Week 9 - Spirit Oil
ANOINTING Will you find space for anointing Spirit to love you, guide you, help you to be brave? By other paths, hap you might achieve...
Tom Mohr
Rising Leader Series: Week 10 - The Jesus Journey
EVERYTHING OR NIL Across the globe hearts strive to lead lives worthy: Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, agnostics, Jews. Christians, too, like...
Tom Mohr
Rising Leader Series: Week 11 - The Love Way
LOVE EVERLASTING Simon Peter, fisher. Be disciple! Go away, Peter cried. I’m gripped in sin! Follow me, beloved-- fish for people! Lord,...
Tom Mohr
Rising Leader Series: Week 12 - Truth Telling
FIRST LOVE, THEN TRUTH The tax collect cheat, Zacchaeus the short, Caught sight of visitor, crowd forming ‘round. Up tree he scampered to...
Tom Mohr
Rising Leader Series: Week 13 - Jesus' Grace
SINNER SAUL TO SAINT PAUL With hate harbored for people of the Way, Saul hunted for converts to catch mid-flight To Damascus road he went...
Tom Mohr
Rising Leader Series: Week 14 - The Sinner
Hey, God Hey, God, I’m pretty sure You don’t know me I’ve kept away from You as best I can Some folks say no sinner’s beyond Your mercy...
Tom Mohr
Rising Leader Series: Week 15 - The Saint
APPLES OF GOODNESS Apples of goodness, ripe and in season If plucked with pride could cast us from Eden Warned C.S. Lewis: the greatest...
Tom Mohr
Rising Leader Series: Week 16 - The Sojourner
I TOOK TO THE ROAD Though confusions, compulsions cluttered my soul I’d mastered contrivance to skip truth and such With casual cast of...
Tom Mohr
Rising Leader Series: Week 17 - The Seeker
THE ARMS OF YOUR BELONGING I’ve wasted time on cheap and shallow pleasures I’ve chased for years the trappings of success I’ve sought to...
Tom Mohr
Rising Leader Series: Week 18 - The Servant
A GOOD LIFE To college he went, then to rising career Married, three kids, until tragedy struck Widowed, he wondered: "Where do I go from...
Tom Mohr
The Rising Leader Series: Week 19 - Doubt
WILL THAT LIGHT When a bottle, well hidden, proves worst fears When a child’s diagnosis hangs like rope When a love-bond severs in...
Tom Mohr
The Rising Leader Series: Week 20 - Disillusionment
WHY, GOD? Ukrainian Alisa, nine years old, Was scrambling with her family ‘cross the bridge Weighed down by pack and bundled ‘gainst the...
Tom Mohr
The Rising Leader Series: Week 21 - Depression
THE PIT A quick lightning strike of thunderclap sorrow Blunt struck her to the ground as if by thief Then stole her meager claim on...
Tom Mohr
The Rising Leader Series: Week 22 - Despair
PRODIGAL’S REUNION The younger son demanded half estate Then fled to distant country to debauch To teach himself new levels of self-hate...
Tom Mohr
The Rising Leader Series: Week 23 - Behind the Mask
UNMASK What Mardi Gras, Halloween life you lead! Veiled behind intricate, desperate mask Vanity’s folly would be to succeed In your...
Tom Mohr
Rising Leader Series: Week 24– Beyond Myself
TURN OVER GENTLE Turn over gentle now, gentle that loam Clay covers my soul; it traps me alone Underneath it, I’ve nursed fears on my own...
Tom Mohr
Rising Leader Series: Week 25– Behold the Beauty
I JUST LEFT I just left; she was on her bed-on-wheels Surgery beckons; they've come to roll her in Hope, fright, powerlessness, plea--...
Tom Mohr
Rising Leader Series: Week 26– Become the Beauty
DIVINE BEAUTY Maples dewed and firelit welcome Fall’s day Canyon grand enacts its vast color-play Arm-cradle warms by breath of sleeping...
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